The first six prayer topics described above have been in the hearts and prayers of millions of Christians worldwide over past decades. You have certainly either been one of them or you are now joining in that flow of the Spirit. Wonderful!
This last and seventh topic of prayer for Israel has not been a common focus in the past – but is quickly gaining in urgency as we see the end-times progressing: Prayer for our governments, prayer for our leaders, prayer for our peoples and our nations regarding their, and our, attitudes and relationships to Israel and the Jewish people. This has not become a common prayer focus yet; but, by God’s grace, it should become one soon!
Building on the foundation of our first 6 topics, this “6+1” prayer topic is the focus of the “Global Prayer Call 2015” (GPC), which runs from Jan. 27 to May 8/9, 2015. This Prayer Call starts with a “Global Day of Prayer” on Jan. 27 and ends with a “Global Day of Prayer” May 8/9 (depending on which part of the world you live in).
The biblical foundation of the GPC is found in Genesis 12:3:
“I will bless those (peoples) who bless you and whoever curses you I will course; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you (the Jewish people).”
This is a foundational spiritual law regarding the relationship between the peoples of this earth and the Jewish people. This law has never changed and is as valid today as it was when the Lord spoke it to Abraham about four thousand years ago. It will become more and more relevant and decisive as this age comes to an end and the return of Jesus draws closer. On the basis of Gen. 12:3 the Bible makes it clear that there will be a final judgment of peoples and nations:
In Joel 3 the Lord speaks about a judgment day, about a “valley of Jehoshaphat” (Joel 3:2) and about a “valley of decision” (Joel 3:14) for the nations. This is the same event that Jesus is referring to when He talks about His return and the nations gathering before him for judgment:
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left” (Matt. 25:31-33).
This is why we have a strong sense of urgency to call intercessors around the world to not only pray for Israel but also for their own people groups and nations with regard to their relationship to Israel in the end-times! Will you join with us?
70 years ago, 6 million Jews were slaughtered by Nazi-Germany and their allies for no other reason than the fact that they were Jewish. Most of the nations looked away and let it happen. Most of the church looked away as well. Today Israel is again in danger of being isolated, terrorized and if possible annihilated by its enemies. What about the nations? Have they learned from history? Are they coming alongside Israel in understanding and solidarity?
What about the church? Have we learned from history? Are we positioning ourselves in loving empathy and prayer alongside the Jewish people and Israel? Do we understand the dangers our peoples and nations face as they distance themselves from Israel, turning a blind eye or even sympathizing with the enemies of Israel?
Dear brother, dear sister! To what extent we may be able to move the heart of God to have compassion as He judges our nations in connection with the heart-felt prayer and intercession of believers in those nations. Let Jesus’ love for His people and His land of Israel as well as for your nation become your love. If you have been touched by this message, please visit the Website, read the book and join with us in this Global Prayer Call 2015!
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