Dear friends and partners!
Happy Hannukah! It is great to remember, together with the Jewish people, how the God of Israel delivered the people of Israel from the oppression of the Hellenists! The Spirit of the living God is more powerful than the „Spirit of Greece“! And what has been true in the past is still true in the present. Let us worship and celebrate the God of Israel and father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
On Nov 9th, we heard the following news from the Israeli UN Mission in New York:
„Israel Turns to Africa: Israel's Ambassador Erdan holds special event to strengthen Israel-Africa relations. 25 UN ambassadors from african countries participate along with founder of innovation: Africa Sivan Ya'ari, organization's new initiative to connect about 2,000 villages in Africa to running water and renewable energy unveiled. The event was held as part of ambassador Erdan's initiative to strengthen relations with African countries and to keep Israel as an observer in the African Union. Ambassador Erdan: "Israel is constantly investing in and expanding our relationships with African countries. Israeli innovation has already led to the connection of thousands of African villages to water and electricity through many collaborations led by the Foreign Ministry." Let us (continue to) pray into this development as the Lord leads.
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