In this new season, Africa is key to the first phase of development of the “Global Prayer Call” for a number of reasons:
It is in this spiritual and historic context that the “Global Prayer Call” feels called to take its place and make its contribution!
This first GPC-conference in Africa was financed from Germany. It was a privilege and a joy to do so and thereby kick-start the momentum. But now, with all of us having been able to see the first fruits, the calling and the spiritual potential of this movement more clearly, we are depending on the global friends and supporters of GPC to pick up the ball and carry it forward:
Please consider prayerfully how you, your friends or your network of relationships might be able to contribute to the work of GPC, especially in Africa!!!
Thank you for taking this to heart! If you would like to specifically support this move of God in Africa, please be sure to code your online-gifts to GPC with the key-word “Africa”. We will allocate your donation accordingly.
The work of the Global Prayer Call is financed exclusively through the donations of sponsors, ministries and individuals who identify with and support the vision.
You can donate online with your Credit-Card or through your PayPal account. All donations will be handled by PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account for your credit card donation.
to the Global Prayer Call bank account (in EURO):
IBAN: DE29 5206 0410 0005 0271 87SWIFT/BIC: GENODEF1EK1Bank: Evangelische Bank eGReceiver: Global Prayer Call