“The 70 year period after the end of WWII came to a close last year, but the 'valley of decision' is still ahead of the nations”
The “Global Prayer Call” – a call for prayer for your nation and its relationship to Israel – continues on. About one year after the “100 days of prayer “ ended with a remarkable prayer-conference in Jerusalem in May 2015, Harald Eckert, the initiator of the “100 days” says: “The 70 year period after the end of WWII came to a close last year, but the 'valley of decision' is still ahead of the nations”. We have to pray and call others to prayer until Jesus comes back!”
Already by the end of the conference all signs indicated that this prayer call, in which churches, networks and intercessors in more than 60 nations on all continents participated, should continue. After a season of prayer and consultation, this initial impression was confirmed. The praying church worldwide would continue to be called and equipped to take a priestly and prophetic stand in their nations with the goal of helping their governments and churches maintain or develop a respectful position towards Israel and a positive relationship to God's “chosen people” according to Genesis 12:3: “Those nations, who bless Israel shall be blessed, those nations who curse Israel shall be cursed.”
In the first few months of 2016, Harald Eckert and a dedicated team of like-minded individuals put great effort into developing the GPC website, producing the 3rd edition of the book “Israel, the Nations and the Valley of Decision” (in English) and forming a core team with a Spirit-inspired strategic plan. So far this year, a first GPC conference in Kampala, Uganda, has been planned for May 2016, the production of an online-video-seminar has begun and seminars in different countries and languages have been or are being prepared.
Looking a bit farther into the future, two conferences to be held in Jerusalem are being prepared which are key to what we perceive to be God's strategy and purpose for the Global Prayer Call:
1) A conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem from May 22 to May 26 2017.
2) A conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the state of Israel in April 2018. Please save the dates on your calendar! We will keep you informed!
Over the centuries, Europe has not always been a secure place for the Jewish community to dwell. As Europeans we need to acknowledge the failure of our nations to treat the Jews fairly and with proper respect and human decency. Europe has been a place of rejection and deep suffering - climaxing in the Holocaust, the greatest crime of humankind. Even though the recognition and repentance of our sins against the Jewish people is still very crucial, the best contribution that Europe, and primarily the Body of Christ in Europe can make, is that they become agents of a better future for the Jews.
From a redemptive perspective the key question today is: After having been part of the problem in the past, how can we be faithful to our moral imperative to never let it happen again? And what exactly is our mandate and responsibility as the praying church? Learning from history, we believe that it is our privilege and responsibility “in such a time as this” (Esther 4:14) to call the praying church worldwide to pray for their nations and their leaders. To be a voice today on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people — calling the praying Body of Christ to stand so that their nations will not be led astray and become a “goat nation” according to Matthew 25: 33.
The GPC believes that Europe has a special responsibility to rise up and enter into its own destiny to be a blessing to the Jewish people and also to call forth the nations of the world to align with God’s heart for Israel and its people.
We are called to pray for our leaders and our nations with compassion. God wants to bless our nations. That is why he called Israel in the first place: To be a blessing to the nations (Gen. 12:3). God loves the nations and he wants to show compassion and grace to those who are humble enough to ask for it.
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