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First Friday December 2017

  • Hits: 10789

Gobal Prayer Call Conference in New York 27-28 Nov. 2017

  • Hits: 10907

28/29. November 2017 – New York: 70 Years UN-vote – a kairos-moment, to come before the Lord to pray for the nations and Israel!

From Harald Eckert

70 years ago, on November 29, 1947, in a moment of rare soberness and unity, the General Assembly of the United Nations voted with a two-third vote for the re-establishment of the modern state of Israel. However, despite the hopeful beginning, the UN became a place of loneliness, manipulation and even blank hatred for Israel in the following decades, under the growing influence of the largest block of the UN, the Moslem block. The words of Psalm 2 came to life: “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain…”  (Verse 1).

But the Lord has kept his hand over Israel and although being surrounded by enemies, both in the Middle East and in the UN, Israel has blossomed and grown under the favor and blessing of God Almighty.

Soon the historic vote of 1947 will be commemorated for the 70th time within the UN and around the world. This is a prophetic kairos-moment, a unique moment for intercessors who love Israel and who carry a loving concern for their own nation, to come together in New York and pray for Israel as well as for the nation they are a part of.

  • Hits: 11512

First Friday November 2017

  • Hits: 10458

First Friday October 2017

  • Hits: 10152

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